To draw the Rapid sand filter using AutoCAD software.Experiment No:-2


Experiment No:-2


To draw the Rapid sand filter using AutoCAD software.


Following are the particulars of a rapid sand filter.

size of filler unit - 8.5mx5.7m

Sixe of inlet chamber - 1.0m x 5.7m

Wall thickness at top - 370mm

Wall thickness at bottom - 560mm

Thickness of foundation - 450mm

Diameter of main drain or manifold –380mm

Laterals - 80mm dia with

10mm strainer @ 150mm c/c

spacing of laterals - 300mmc/c

Slope of laterals - 1 in 50

Raw water inlet - 300mm _

Wash water drain pipe - 300mm_

Size of wash water trough - 275mmx375mm

Number of wash water trough- 3nos

Free board - 300mm

bottom of wash water trough is 500mm from the surface of filter media (sand bed) Any more data required may be assumed suitably.

Draw the following views to a suitable scale.

1. Plan of the filter unit showing drainage system .

2. longitudinal section of the filter unit .

3. cross section of the filter unit .


1. switch on the computer

2.Open Auto CAD 2014

3. Setting units

( ii) set the unit as decimal & millimeter

4. Setting limits

5. Zoom – All

6. Using Line command draw Rapid sand filter

7. Laterals are drawn using line and circle

command place the laterals in position using

copy or offset or array command.


Thus the Rapid sand filter are drawn using Auto CAD 2014 software.

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