INFILTRATION GALLERY (8th sem. B-tech. Civil Engg.) Experiment-1 pdf & dwg files

AutoCAD practical pdf & dwg



(With one infiltration well, one straight gallery pipe one inspection well and one jack well)


To draw the infiltration gallery using AutoCAD software.


An infiltration gallery is essentially a porous barrel placed with a pervious layer. water is collected in the gallery and led to a well called jack well placed at the river bank which acts as a sump . the water from the well is pumped out .The Infiltration gallery consists of a single or double row of loosely jointed perforated pipes .normally stone ware or concrete pipes are used. All around the galley a medium of graded sizes of aggregate is provided. the aggregate acts as a filter and prevents the sand from entering the gallery.

the gallery is laid below the lowest ground water level in the aquifer. the gallery should also be located below the scour level of the river . the layers above the gallery should not be disturbed even during floods. because it acts as an initial filter. Manholes

are provided for inspection at required intervals.


an infiltration well is a well sunk in a river or stream bed. they are taken deeper than infiltration galleries .

if masonry Walls are constructed then open joints are provided . The top of the well is taken well above the river bed and provided with an RCC slab.The number of wells to be provided in the riverbed depends on the demand of water . Water from the

infiltration wells is pumped to a common sump calledjack well.


The particulars of an infiltration gallery are

River bed level - +50.00m

Inner Diameter of infiltration well - 3.80m

Outer diameter of infiltration well - 4.70m

River bank level - +53.70m

Maximum flood level (MFL) - +52.90M

Lowest summer water level (LSWL ) - +48.60M

Invert level of stoneware pipe - +44.00m

Diameter of stone ware pipe - 400m

Length of one gallery - 60.0m

Width of gallery - 2.20m

Layer of filter media adjacent to the pipe - 150m

Next two layers are of 100 mm each

(size of particle of filter media in each layer is increased from outer to the inner layer) Inner diameter of jack well cum pump house -6m

Outer diameter of jack well cum pump house -6.90m

Inter diameter of inspection well - 2m

Outer diameter of inspection well - 2.60m

Any more data required may be assumed suitably . Draw the following views to a suitable scale.

1. general layout of the scheme showing infiltration wells, infiltration galleries, inspection wells,jackwell and pump house (not to scale )

2. Longitudinal section of infiltration well, one straignt gallery, one inspection well and one jackwell.

3. Sectional plan of infiltration well, gallery, inspection well and jackwell.

4. Cross sectional details of infiltration gallery. Assumptions:

1. inspection wells or manhole wells. are duge at intervals of 50 to 60m.

2. Diameter of gallery pipe : 300mm to 450mm

3. Diameter of inspection wells : 1m to 2m

4. Diameter of infiltration wells : 2m to 6m

5. Depth of infiltration portion of infiltration well :5mbelow L.S.W.L.

6. Minimum width of gallery :2m

7. Minimum depth of gallery : 2m below the lowest summer water level.

8. Rate of infiltration for wells and galleries : 4500 to 6000 lit/m2/day.


1. switch on the computer

2. Open Auto CAD 2014

3. Setting units & Setting Dimension.

( ii) set the unit as decimal & millimeter

4. Setting limits

5. Zoom – All

6. Using circle command draw Infiltration well

inspection well Jack well with pump house

7. for wall thickness use offset command

8. For filter media fill with hatch command


Thus the infiltration gallery are drawn using Auto

CAD 2014 software

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