Experiment No:-6




To draw the R.C.C. Slab culverts with splayed wing walls using AutoCAD software


The following are the particulars for a R.C.C. slab culvert with splayed wing wall.

Natural drain

Flows perpendicular to the centre line of roadway

Bed width - 2500mm

Bed level - +80.00m

Ground level - +80.50m

Side slop - 1:1

Embankment :Road embankment

Top width - 5300mm

Top level - +82.7m

side slope - 1:1

Distance between the inner face of abutment -2500mm

Deck slab - 250mm

Thickness of R.C.C. slab - +82.70m

Bearing on abutment - 450mm

Size of cement concrete bed block -450x200mm

Length of bed block - 5300mm

Abutment: Abutment with R.R. masonry in cm 1:5

top width - 600mm

Top level -82.45m

Bottom level - +79.50

External side vertical and earth side battered Wing wall: Wing wall with R.R. masonry in cm1:5 wing wall are splayed at 450 with abutment

Top width 500mm

Same slope as for embankment to the top of wall from

+82.7m to +81.00m

Bottom level +79.50m

Battered at earth side

Return wall

Return wall with R.R. masonry in cm 1:5

Top width - 500cm

Top level - +81.00m

Bottom level - +79.50m

Length parallel to the embankment - 2250mm

Foundation for walls:

Foundations in C.C. 1:4:8

Offset 300mm provided around all walls

Bottom level for abutment - +78.90

Bottom level for other walls - +79.20m

Clear width of roadway between kerb – 4000m

Width of Kerb - 200mm

Height of kerb above slab - 300mm

Road level at crown - +82.80

Parapet walls:

Parapet walls with R.R. masonry in cm 1:4

Width of wall - 450mm

Height of wall - 750mm

Length of wall - 3700mm

Thickness of cement concrete coping - 200mm

Talus or bed pitching and revetment along sides Bed under the culvert and for sufficient length towards the upstream and down stream sides and also the sides of the drain are pitched with dry ribble 300 thick.

Wearing coat:

Wearing coat with bituminous surfacing for an average thickness of 100mm over the deck slab and over a course with rubble of thickness 250mm in the remaining portion.

Guard stones:

Size of stone - 250mm x250mm

Height of stone - 450mm

Spacing of stone - 2000mm c/c

Any more data required may be assumed suitably .

Draw the following view to a suitable scale

1. Half plan at top and half at foundation level

2. Half sectional elevation along the centre line of road and half front elevation.

3. cross section along the centre line of drain

To find out sections of abutment , wing wall and return well.


Top width - 600

Top level - +82.45m

Bottom level - +79.50m

Bottom width - 0.4 x h - 0.4(82.45 -79.5)- 1180m - say 1300mm

Wing wall:

Section of wing wall is same as abutment section at the abutment side (at +82.7 m level) and the sectionat the other side (at + 81.00m level) may be found out as.

Top width -500mm

Top level at abutment side - +82.7m

Top level at other side - +81.00m

Bottom level - +79.50m

Minimum height of wing wall - (81.00 – 79.50m- 1.5m

Bottom width at +81.00 level - 0.4(81.00-79.50)- 600mm – say 700mm

Return wall:

Section of return wall is same as the section of wing wall of +81.00m level.


1. switch on the computer

2. Open Auto CAD 2014

3. Setting units

( ii) set the unit as decimal & millimeter

4. Setting limits

5. Zoom – All

6. Using Line command R.C.C. slab culvert withsplayed wing wall are drawn.

7. using hatch command where our necessary

8. Dotted lines are drawn using line type.


Thus the R.C.C. slab culvert with splayed wing wall.

are drawn using Auto CAD 2014 software


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