Comparison of working stress method and limit state method

 Comparison  of working  stress  method  and    limit state method     


1.The method  based on the elastic theory which assumes that concret and steel are elastic and the strees strain curve is linear  for both .

2. In this method the factor of safety  are applied to the yield stresses to get permissible stresses.

3.No factor of safety is used for loads.

4.Exact margin of safety is not known.

5.This method gives thicker ,section ,so less economical.

6.This method assumes that the actual loads ,permissible stresses and factor of safety rae known . so it is called as deterministic method.

Limit state method

1.This method is based on the actual stress-strain curves of stell and concret for concrete, the stress strain curve is non-linear.

2.In this method,partial safety factors are        applied to get design values of stresses.

3.Design loads are obtained by multiplying partial safety factors of load to the working loads.

4.Exact margin of safety is known.

5.This method is more economical as it gives thinner sections.

6.This method is based upon the probabilistic approach which depends upon the actual data or experience, hence it is called  as non-deterministic method.

Cement:  as we known  that cement is a binding materials produced by buring together in a define proportion a mixture of silicon argillaceous and calcareous materals in partial fussion at a temperat1400to1450oc.

Chemical composition of cement:

Oxide composition limitsof ordinary Portland cement.


















When water is mixed with cement the chemical process of hydrolyisis and hydration occur simultaneously during the reaction of cement and water hydration is the process of combination  of cement with water ,as s result of hydration setting and hardeninig of cement take place.

Types of cements:

1.ordinary portland cement

2.Rapid hardening portand

3.Extra rapid   “

4.Low heat  “

5.sulphate resisting  “

6.supersulphated cement

7.High alumina cement

8.portland blast furnace “

9.pozzolanic  “

10.white Portland “

11.Air entraning “

12.Hydrophopic “

Phyical requiredments of cement:

1.Chemical composition

         Loss on ignition

         Insoluble residues

         Lime and alumina content

         Magnesia content

         Sulphur content


3.normal consist

4.setting time


6.heat of hydration

7.strengt of cement

1.chemical comp:required for chemical comp. of cement have been recommended by  IS 269-1967 for controlling te quality of cement .

         Loss on ignition : it occurs due to evaporation pf the moisture and carboudioxide in the cement .moisture and atmosphere which causes pre-hydration og cemet.

         i nsoluble residues: these are inactive materials .these are mesure of adulteration in cement maninly due to impurities in gypsum.

        lime and alumina content

Express of free lime cause unsoundness .hence the % age of lime to silica alumina and iron axide express


Magnesia content

Excess of magnesia causes unsoundness. Hence the quantity of free magnwsia must conform to the requirement.

Sulphur content

The sulphur in cement combine with lime and  alumina and forms crystalline calcium sulphoaluminate .this cause expansion and conseguently unsoundness.

2.Fineness of the cement

The number of particles of cement power in unit weight reflects the fineness of the cement .the rate of hydration of cement depends thits fineness . the more rapid is the developmentof strength.

3.Normal consistency:

For tests of somephysical properties of cement such as initial and final setting time,tenile and compressive strength and sounness a cement paste of normal consistency is used.

4.Initial and final setting time

When water is mixed with cement compound of cement react with water .


The change in the volume of hardness concret due to delayed or slow hydration of free lime magnesia and calcium sulphate present in cement is known as unsoundness.

6.Heat of hydration

It is the quantity of heat expreesed as cal/g .evolved on given temperature .


7.Strength of cement

The mechanical strength of cement is most important for its structural use .the strength of cement is determind from the compressive and tensile tests on the hardened  cement and atandard Leighton buzzard annove sand in 1:3 proportion and water of (0.25pn+3.5)percent of combined weigth of cement and sand.


 A mixture of only cement and water is costely and possesses low strength and shrinks unacceptably on drying .it should be free from organic matter which reduces the hydraulic activity of cement and affects its normal setting and hardening .it should also be free from constituents which decompose or exposure to atmosphere      or react adversely with the hardned cement paste.

Classifiction of aggregates:

Aggregates or classified as coagate and fine of regate  based upon their sizes coarse aggregate is materials whish passes through 80m sieve and retained  on a 4.75mm seive .it may be uncrushed gravel if it results from the natural distitergration of rock or crushed stone or crushed gravel.

1.normal density aggregates:

It includes aggregates having a  specific gravity b/w 2.5 and 3.0 and a bulk density in the  range of 14.5 to 17.5kn/ includes most widely used of all aggregates ,namely gravels ,crushed rocks and blast furnace slag.

2.light weight aggregates:

These are porous solids,both natural and man made. The higher the porosity of the aggregate the lower the thermal  conductivity density and strength of the light weight concrete made with it.

3.High density aggregate:

They are obtained from barytes (barium sulphate rocks )ferrous metal granules such as shot and punching and ferrous are such as magnetite hematite and limonite and are used to make high density concret for such application as screening  radioactive sources.

4.Fibrous aggregates:

It is nous rocks used in the naturally accurring fibrous rocks used in the production of as bestos cements goods such as roofing sheets


5.Gaseous aggregates:    

These are gases that act as individual ps such as articles of aggregate.they are small bubble of gases   such as air which are  formed in fresh cement paste by using appropriate foaming agents and mixing equipment.


Physical properties of aggregates:         

1.size ofaggregate .

2.shape of paticles

3.surface texture

4.strength of coarse aggregates

5.specific gravity

6.bulk density

7.water absoption and surface moisture

8.bulking of sand




1.size of aggregate:                                

It is the aggregate is designeded by the maximum size of the individual aggregate  present in substaintial amount .the aggregate is said  be of 20mm size if it passes through a 20mm sieve and retainded on a 16mm sieve .

.coarse aggregate :

It passes through an 80mm sieve and retaind on a 4-75mm sieve .

.Fine aggregate:

It passes through a 4-75mm sieve and reaind on a 75micron sieve particles b/w  0.06mm and 0.002mm sieve .

Aggregate are also classified based on the distribution of particle size as follows:

Single –size aggregate : it has a majority of particles of the same size .

Grade aggregate:it has particles of all size .

All in aggregate :it is a combination  of coarse and fine aggregate.

2.Shape of the particles:


2.irregular or party rounded




6.flanky and elongated


Admixtures are materials used in concretes to modify its  properties .they may be classified according to the purpose for which they are used in concrete some of the important admixtures are disscuss below :

1.Accelerating admixyure

2.ReTARDING Admix.

3.Water reducing admix.

4.Air-entraining admix.

1.Accelerating admix.:

These are used to accelerate the rate of development of strength at an early age .calcis chlorixide flurosilicates and tri-ethanonly mine are the most commonly used acetated.

2.Retarding admix.:

These are used to retard setting and there by reduce evolution of heat.

3.water reducing admix.

These are used  to reduce the water content while main training the working of concrete.

4.Air-entering admix.

These are used to entrain air in the form of of very small disconnected air bubbles in concreted usually to increase workability and resistance to freezing and thawing.the commonly used air entraining agents are:

1 animal and vegetable oils  and fats .

2 naturals wood resin and their sodium salf such as visnol resin.

Reinforcement :

 The commonly used types of steel reinforcement are mild steel,medium ,tensile steel and high yield strength deformed round bars.

                             The reinforcing bars should be free from craks,surface flows laminations rough  . In length :

Length not spcied  -25mm

Minimum lengh “ =75mm.

Maximum lengh “ -50m

In  weight :

Diameter≤8mm    ± 4%

Diameter >8mm   ±2.5%

In diameter:     

Diameter ≤25mm   ±0.5%

The requirements of important  mechanical properties of mild steel high strength steel and “sail ma steel”.


It  is the most important properties of concrete and gives as over all idea of its quality. The strength  of concrete in direct compression ,tension ,bond abrasion are commonly used properties for its structural use. These  are dscribed  below:

1.compressive strength :

2.tensile strength:   “

4.Resistance and abrasion

1.compressive strength:

         types of  fineness of cement

         strength ,size ,shape, surface, texture and grading of aggregate.

         water to cement ratio

         aggregate to cement  ratio

         age of concrete

2.Tensile strength:

Fcr =K

Where, fcr= flexural tensile strength of conc.

Fck= compressive strength of conc.

K,n= coefficenent equal to 0.7 and 0.5 as specified by  IS CODE


The flexural strength is on an average 50% great than strength of conc. In direct tension .

3.Bond strength:

4.Resistance and abrasion.


Durability of concrete is the resistance deterioration and environmental effects to wchich it is exposed

Creep of concrete:

Concrete under stress undergoes a gradual icrease in strain with time such as continuous diormation under sustained load with time is known as creep of concrete.the creep strain depends upon the stress in conc. Age of loading,duration of loading,type of content of aggregate,water to cement ratio and ambient a relative humadity.

Shrinkage of concrerte:

Shrinkage of conc. Occurs when it loses moisture by increases with time at a decreasing rate as drying of conc. Continuous with time at a decreasing rate.shrinkage increasing with increasing in cement and water can be reduced by maintaining adeguate humadity in the atmoshpheric surrounding,the conc.and opting refine aggregate of coarse grading.

Designed concrete mix.

In desined concrete mixes properties of ingradients of conc. Are determined to obtain conc. Of specified properties with overall economy.the principles factors governing and the method of mix design are discussed as follow:

1.principles of conc. Mix design .

2.factor governing conc. Mix. Design

3.method of conc. Mix desion

1.principles of conc.mix design:

         Compressive strength at a specified age.

         Working of the fresh conc. And


Strength of conc.


Where, fm=meanstrength

Fc=characteristic strength


s=standard deviation of normal distribution curve of strength of conc.

The contant k decreases with increase in percent defectives ,as given below:

Percent defective

Value of k











The standared sesderivation increses with increases with in charactersistic strength of conc. As given below :

Conc. Grades                               valueN/mm2

M10                                              3.5

M15                                              3.5

M20                                               4

M25                                               4

M30                                               5

M35                                               5

M40                                              5

        Workability of conc.:

the workability of conc.should be a deguate for placing conditions and proper composition with means available .it is manily governed by its water contant for a given aggregate characteristic.

        Durability of conc.:

The durability of conc. Depends on its resistance to deteroration in the environment in which its is environment  one the main characteristic influence the durability of its permeability.

2.factors governing  conc.mix. design:

         Grade of conc.

         Types of  cement

         Cement content

         Size,shape,and grading of aggregate

3.method of conc. Mix design :

         Determine the mean strength from the characteristic strength.

         Determine the water to cement ratio from strength requirement and check for the requirement of durability.

         Determine water content from the  requirement of workability.

         Determine the relative proportion of coarse and fine aggregate from their characterstic .

         Determine the cement content and check for the requirement of durability.





limit state codition/; depth of nutral axis = Xu max:          O,36FCK XU MAX B =O.87FYaSTLIM./; LEVER ARM = D-0.42xumax........: xu max /(d) =  0.oo35/(.0055+o.87(fy/f))

                            limitimg moment of resisstance(Mulim:   mulim = 0.36 fck xumax b{d-0.42xumax.)):  mulim.= o.87fy Ast.lim(d-o.42xumax}

for fe 250, Mu lim = o.149 fck bd2   ............for fe 415 ,Mu lim = 0.138 fck bd2.......for fe 5oo, mulim=.133fckdb2.... pt lim..= 41.4(fck/fy)x(xumax/d}...for m 20 fe 145 ptlim = 0.9585......FOR M20 FE 500 P T LIM = 0.762%....FOR M20 FR 25O PTLIM = 1.755%.



 1) ASSUME SUITABLE BEARING. NOT LESS THAN 100 M FIND THE SPAN B/W THE CENTER OF BEARING. 2////////) ESTIMATE THE THICKNESS TO THE SLAB . THE THICKESS OF THE SLAB IS GOVERNED BY DEFLECTION CONSIDRATION RATHER THAN FLEXURAL CONSIDREATION.....THICKNESS OF SLAB = (SPAN B/W CENTER OF BEARING)/()20 X M.F;)THE MODIFICATION DEPENDES ON THE PERCENTAGE OF TENSILE STEEL WHICH MAY BE INITIALLY ASSUMED 0.3 TO 0.4.... FOR 0.3 STEEL MODIFICATION FACTOR = 1.43 FOR FE 415 ....USING 8 MM DIA BAR IF FE 415 IS USED.AND 10MMMDIA IF FE 250 IS GIVEN.....FIND THE EFFECTIVE COVERTO THE REINFORCEMENT    WHICH IS EQUAL TO HALF BAR DIA +15 MM....THUS FIND THE TOTAL THICKNESS OF THE SLAB WHICH MAY BE ROUNDED OFF TO A CONVENIENT VALUE....NOW FIND THE ACTUAL EFFECTIVE SPAN OF THE SLAB WHICH IS LESSER THAN OF FLOWING...(1)DISTANCE B/W CENTER OF BEARING (2) CLEAR SPAN =EFF.DEPYH........ ESTIMATE THE TOTAL LOAD ON SPAN, PER SQUARE METER. IF THE THICKNESS OF THE SLAB IS d MM.              d.l. load of the slab per square m = Dx1x25000/1ooo = 25Dn/m2for example the dl of a 120mm thick slab = 25 x 120 = 3000n/m2..... if a floor finish is provided the dead load of the floor finish should be estimated. unless specifically mensionad of any special type of finishing we may assume the waight of a floor equial to that of plain conc. weighing 24000n/m.3.........ifthe thickness of the foor finish is D' DL OF FLOOR FINISH PER SQM = D'/1000 X 1 X 24000= 24D'n/m2... total load on yhe span = w = Dl of the slab and floor finish + LL ON THE SLAB... THE L L MAY BE TAKEN FRON 2000N/M2 TO 3OOON/M2....FACTORED LOAD = WU =W X PARTIALLY SAFETY FACTOR.... NOW DETERMIND THE FACTORED MOMENT (Mu) = Wul2/8....whr l = eff. length.

now equate the limiting moment of resistance to the factored moment and find the effective depth required from flexural strength considration....whem fe 415 is used Mulim = 0.138 fck bd2....ehen fe 250 steel used mulim = o.149fckbd2.....effective depth required =  d =whole underroot of (M in Mmmm)/.138x 20 x1oo....whem fe 415 d d = whole undrroot Mu in Nmm/(.149x 20 x100 when fe 2s20 is used.find the area of steel required per meter with of the sklab ... % of steeel required .{((1)-/1`- 4.60xmu/bd2/fy/fck/````````````

area of steel provided per meter width = Ast = pt/1oo(1000xd)alternatevely: ast = 0.50 fck/fy(1-4.6xMu/fckxbd2)}b x d.

the % of steel required should be greater than o.12 when fe 415 steel is provided andgreater than 0.15% when fe 250 steel is pro vided. ...provide 8 mm dai bar of fe 415 or 10 mm dia bar for fe 250.

spacing of bar area of 1 bar x 1ooo /(Ast)...bent alternate bar at one tength of the span between the center of bearing  area of baar genraaly used in slab are given blow....dia.of baar    8       10       10

area of bar         50      79     113..... maxmum spacing should mat exceed 1. 3 time the effective depth of slab.  2. 300mmm.   minimum spacing of bar ... 75 mm.

check for shear : sf at the edge of support = Vu = Wux clear  span/(2)

normal shear stress tv = Vu/bd% of steel available =32/2=.16%....corrosponding to .16% tc = 0.30n/m2tv                     =ktc  ==0.39n/mm2

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