CSC Tele Law अब कानूनी सलाह पाना हुआ बहुत आसान ।


CSC Tele Law

 टेली लॉ एक ऐसी सेवा है जिसकी सहायता से कोई भी गाँव में बैठा गरीब, मजदूर, विधवा, प्रताड़ित बहु, व एनी सभी जिनके भी अधिकारों का हनन हो रहा है! या जिनका किसी भी प्रकार से शोषण किया जा रहा है! वे इस सेवा के जरिये निशुल्क या 1 रूपये का भुगतान करके दिल्ली / राज्य स्तर पर बैठे! वकील से बिना भाग दौड़ बिना मोटी रकम खर्च किये कानूनी सलाह ले सकते है! और सही सलाह पाकर अपनी समस्या का निवारण करवा सकते है!

CSC Tele Law Plv

दोस्तों भारत सरकार द्वारा प्रत्येक Common Service Center पर न्याय विभाग की तरफ से एक paira Legal Volnteer की नियुक्ति की गयी है! जो गाँवो में अथवा CSC केन्द्र पर बैठ कर ! लोगो की समस्या सुनेंगे व उनकी शिकायत अथवा वकील से कानूनी सलाह दिलाने के लिए नजदीकी Manu Valley CSC VLE के सेण्टर पर ले जाकर उसका रजिस्ट्रेशन करवा सकते है और आवश्यकता पड़ने पर पीड़ित व्यक्ति को कानूनी सलाह मिलने के बाद उनके आगे की प्रक्रिया को पूरा करने में उसका सहयोग करेंगे!जिसमें सम्बन्धित अधिकारी – Police आदि के सामने प्रार्थी की शिकायत आदि पंजीकृत करने में सहयोग कर सकते है! जिसके लिए उन्हें सरकार की तरफ से हर माह एक निर्धारित मान देय भी दिया जायेगा!

Role Of PLV In CSC Tele Law

  • गाँव-गाँव में भ्रमण कर परेशान व प्रताड़ित लोगो की तलाश कर उन्हें कानूनी सलाह दिलाना
  • उनकी शिकायत अथवा परेशानी को लिखना Application Type करना व वकील से कानूनी सलाह दिलाना
  • कानूनी सलाह मिलने के बाद आगे की प्रक्रिया में आवेदक की मदद करना
  • यदि आवश्यक हो सम्बंधित अधिकारी के समक्ष उन्हें अपनी बात प्रस्तुत करने में सहायता या उनको मदद करना

Role Of CSC Vle In Tele Law

  • PLV द्वारा लाये गए Cases को Computer पर दर्ज करना
  • उन्हें वकील से बात करने में मदद करना
  • वकील से बात चित के समय उन्हें अकेला छोड़ना ताकि वे बिना झिझक अपनी बात रख सके
  • PLV को सेण्टर पर बैठने की जगह देना
  • व सेण्टर पर आने वाले लोगो को इस योजना के बारे जानकारी देना

What Kind Of Cases / Matters I Need to Avail Tele-Law Service

Legal matters in which advice can be taken through Tele-Law service :-

दहेज, पारिवारिक विवाद, तलाक, घरेलू हिंसा और रखरखाव

कार्यस्थल पर महिलाओं का यौन उत्पीड़न

भूमि विवाद, किरायेदारी और पट्टे,

संपत्ति और विरासत के अधिकार

समान कार्य के लिए समान वेतन, न्यूनतम मजदूरी

मातृत्व लाभ, गर्भावस्था की चिकित्सा समाप्ति, प्री और पोस्ट नेटल के दुरुपयोग की रोकथाम

बाल विवाह यौन से बच्चों का संरक्षण अपराध

बाल श्रम / बंधुआ मजदूरी, शिक्षा का अधिकार

एफआईआर, गिरफ्तारी, जमानत देना

अनुसूचित जाति और अनुसूचित जनजाति के खिलाफ अत्याचार

  • What is CSC?

    CSCs are shops/Kiosks that deliver various government services online like public utility services, social welfare schemes, healthcare, financial, education and agriculture services to citizens in rural and remote areas of the country.

    Common Service Centre (CSC) is one of the mission mode projects under the Digital India Programme run by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). There are approximately 3.19 lakh CSCs in India. CSCs are located in Gram Panchayats.

    Is this Tele-Law Website Available in Regional Languages?

    Yes the Tele-law website can be accessed at and is available in 22 official languages.

    Who All Can Get Advice in CSC tele Law Service?

    Legal advice is made available to everyone under Tele-Law service Advice is free of Cost to those who are eligible for free legal aid under Section 12 of LSA Act,1987
    Persons belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe
    Victims of Trafficking
    Mentally ill and differently-abled people
    Victims of natural disaster/ethnic violence
    Workers in unorganized /industrial workers
    Under trials
    People of low-income group
    For all others a nominal fee of Rs INR 30/- charged for each consultation.

  • Will My Case and My Personal Details be kept Confidential?

    Yes, Your personal and case details are kept confidential

    What IEC (Information / Education and Communication) material is available on Tele Law Portal?

    You can access/download and Print IEC material from
    Flyer/Poster/Brochure in ( 22 languages)
    E- Tutorial on use of Mobile Application
    User Manual on use of DASHBOARD by PLV, VLE , Panel Lawyer
    E- Tutorial on use of DASHBORAD by PLV, VLE , Panel Lawyer
    Presentations on Role and Responsibilities on PLV, VLE and Panel Lawyer, Legal Aid Seeker

    What is the Role of a Village Level Entrepreneur?

    VLE is a Village Level Entrepreneur who runs the CSC in your area and provides for the Tele Law Service through his center. You can also approach the VLE directly by going to the CSC and enquiring about the service. The VLE will

    Provide you with the name and contact details of the PLV attached to his CSC or put you in touch with the (Para Legal Volunteer) who will give you details about the benefits of legal advice under the Tele-law Service, or
    He or She will brief you about the benefits of legal advice under the Tele-law Service,
    Register you as an applicant for the Tele-Law Service by uploading your details in the information form on the Tele-Law portal. He or She will also upload and scan the required documents furnished by you.
    Generate an online appointment to connect you with a Panel Lawyer via a VCF (Video Conferencing Facility/ chat and/or telephone available in his CSC.
    Automatic SMS would be generated and sent to you on your registered mobile number with details of date and time of your appointment

    Who is a PLV? What is the role of a PLV in Tele Law?

    PLV is a Para- Legal Volunteer deployed in your area by District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) or CSC e- Governance Services India Ltd for facilitating Tele-Law Service.
    Under the Tele-law program a PLV is attached with the selected CSC in your village. A PLV is not a lawyer but has basic understanding and knowledge of legal process and laws. A PLV will

    provide information about Tele Law Service to citizens in community gatherings and public places,
    identify citizens in rural and remote areas in need of legal advice and information
    understand nature of the legal issue faced by the citizen
    facilitate registration of case at CSC;
    ensure that the persons availing free legal service must have the required documents;
    may ask for documents such as Adhaar for filling the case registration form;
    facilitate pre-appointment with panel lawyer,
    connect citizen to the Panel Lawyers through video conferencing facility at the CSC;
    If the need arise PLV, with the consent of the applicant can be a part of the consultation to make the applicant understand the legal advice given by the Panel Lawyer;
    keep track of progress of the applicant’s cases/grievances and maintain a record of the same;

    Where can i find a PLV?

    You can find the contact details of the PLV attached to the CSC in your area by clicking at the given link-
    This link flashes the name of the States in which Tele-law service is being currently available.
    Step-2 Click on the name of your desired State or the State to which you belong, a list of selected CSCs with their address and contact details of the Para legal Volunteers (PLVs) appears on the portal.
    Step-3 You can call at the given number of the PLV or go straight at the address given for CSC.
    Step-4 You may also find the details of the PLVs attached with the CSC in your village through the Village Headmen.

    Who is Legal Advice Seeker/Beneficiary? What is His/Her Role?

    Any person who comes to CSC to seek legal advice is Legal Advice Seeker/Beneficiary. She/he must come to the CSC for Consultation.

    What is a Panel Lawyer? What is the role of  A panel Lawyer in tele-Law?

    A Panel Lawyer is a practicing advocate selected by Department of Justice and CSC-e Governance Services or registered on the Panel of State /District Legal Services Authority. A Panel Lawyer will
    SHOW his availability on Tele-Law Portal for a period of Seven Days (weekly basis) of his availability to give advice
    MAKE him / herself available on the appointed date and time
    Any Change in the date/ time of advice has to be intimate to VLE or can be changed by Panel Lawyer
    Mandatory to fill feedback form before closing the case

    Can i Choose a Lawyer?

    In choosing a lawyer, you have the following options:-

    From Dropdown Column, You may choose between Male /Female Lawyer
    You may choose the lawyer as per the schedule of availability shown in the calendar during the time of registration of your case.
    Before filling the feedback form, in case you are not satisfied with the advice of the lawyer, you can always choose another Lawyer.

    How can i Get an Appointment with a panel Lawyer?

    The PLV or the VLE will help you get an appointment with the Panel Lawyer.
    The PLV or VLE will ask you to carry some important documents at the time of registration. Please refer to question number No 14 below.
    Appointment with Panel Lawyer is fixed for the next day after you register your case at the Tele-Law Service with the CSC.

    Can i Get Legal Advice on the Same day?

    Instant Video conference facility has been added to the Tele –Law portal.
    Under the Instant VC facility, You will be able to connect and take legal advice on the matter on the same day depending on the availability of the Panel lawyer.

    Do i Need to Provide any Documents during registration?

    Citizen will need to provide personal information and any appropriate document (where applicable). In case citizen belongs to category of Section 12 of LSA, Act, 1987 He/She will need to provide proof of the same. List of documents that are accepted as proof is given at the under-mentioned link

    PLV can also guide you regarding case related or any other documents to be provided.

    What is the cost of using Tele – Law Service? What is Provided under this Service?

    The cost of Tele-law service is free for the persons eligible to free legal advice as mentioned under section 12 LSA 1987 whereas persons belonging to categories mentioned under section 12 LSA 1987 has to pay Rs. 30 for availing the Tele-Law Service.

    •  It will include basic understanding of their case by PLV ;
    •  One appointment with Legal expert over VCF/chat or telephone for a fixed timeslot of 20 minutes.
    •  In case the Panel Lawyer reschedules the appointment, you need not pay for the rescheduled appointment.
    •  You get maximum of 3 chances for the consultation on the same case.

    Am i eligible for free legal advice through Tele-Law?

    Yes, if you are eligible under Section 12 of LSA Act, 1987 , that include Women ,Children, persons belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe, victims of trafficking, mentally ill and differently abled people, Victims of natural disaster/ethnic violence, Workers in unorganized sector/industrial workers, under trials and people of low income group.

    What if i miss my Appointment with the panel Lawyer?

    If you miss your appointment with the Panel Lawyer then you will have to seek a fresh appointment.
    If you belong to categories other than those mentioned under section 12 of LSA 1987 then the fee paid by you for the missed appointment will be forfeited. However in case your appointment is not completed because of absence of the Panel Lawyer, VLE/PLV, it will be rescheduled by the VLE. For this appointment you need not to pay again.

    What if my consultation with the panel lawyer gets distrupted in the middle do i get another chance?

    In such case the consultation could be done via phone call.

    What is the Process to reschedule the appointment?

    Applicant – An applicant cannot reschedule the appointment by him-self or herself.

    Panel Lawyer – If the Panel lawyer wants to reschedule the case he will click on reschedule option. The VLE checks Panel lawyer next availability for the consultation with the applicant and VLE finalizes the next appointment.

    VLE – VLE checks Panel Lawyer next availability for the consultation with the applicant and then he finalizes the next appointment.

    What if i am not satisfied with the Tele-Law Service?

    You have the option to give Feedback

    Where Can i Make a complaint or any Suggestion about Tele-Law?

    Yes, you can email your grievance or any suggestion at or
    Call us at -011 -23074401/23070627

    What is the Tele-Law Mobile Application?

    Tele-Law mobile application is an application developed to enable pre-registration of cases for legal advice and to provide a choice to the beneficiary to seek his/her preferred date and time for legal advice and consultation

    Who will use this Tele-Law mobile Application?

    Paralegal Volunteers (PLVs) who are specifically engaged under Tele-law programme will use this mobile application.

    Where can the PLV Download The Tele-Law Mobile Application?

    Tele-Law mobile application can be downloaded by a Paralegal Volunteers (PLVs) on his/her mobile number registered on the Tele-law dashboard wherein, he/she will receive a link, by SmS, to download the application. She/he can download the application through Google Play Store also.

    Can this Application be downloaded on every mobile phone?

    It can be downloaded on every smart/android phones only.

How to Register For CSC Tele Law

  • Visit
  • Login With CSC Id and Password
  • Register New PLV / Vle
  • And Register New Case on Portal
  • What is Tele Law Service?

    Tele-law is a service uses video conferencing facility and telephone services to connect lawyers to litigants who need legal advice. This service aims to reach out to the needy especially the marginalized and disadvantaged. The service is provided through Common Service Centers or CSCs located at gram panchayat level. For more information click on

    What are the Benefits of tele-Law Service

    Tele Law service enables anyone to seek legal advice without wasting precious time and money. The service is free for those are eligible for free legal Aid as mentioned under Section 12 of the Legal Services Authority Act, 1987. For all others a nominal fee of INR 30 Rs is charged.

    Where is the Tele Law Available?

    Since 2017 Tele law service has been provided in selected 1800 CSCs of 11 states: Bihar (500), Uttar Pradesh (500), eight states of North-East (Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura and Sikkim) and Jammu and Kashmir (800).

    At present Tele- Law service is available in 28060 CSCs in 115 Aspirational Districts across 28 states in the country.

    For more information to find CSCs in Aspirational Districts click on

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